We present our Spitzer-Infrared Spectrometer (IRS) spectroscopic survey from 10um to 37um of the Seyfert galaxies of the 12um Galaxy Sample (12MSG), collected in a high-resolution mode (R~600). The new spectra of 61 galaxies, together with the data we already published, give us a total of 91 12um Seyfert galaxies observed, out of 112. We discuss the mid-IR emission lines and features of the Seyfert galaxies, using an improved active galactic nucleus (AGN) classification scheme: instead of adopting the usual classes of Seyfert 1's and Seyfert 2's, we use the spectropolarimetric data from the literature to divide the objects into categories "AGN 1" and "AGN 2," where AGN 1's include all broad-line objects, including the Seyfert 2's showing hidden broad lines in polarized light. The remaining category, AGN 2's, contains only Seyferts with no detectable broad lines in either direct or polarized spectroscopy. We present various mid-IR observables, such as ionization-sensitive and density-sensitive line ratios, the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) 11.25um feature and the H_2_S(1) rotational line equivalent widths (EWs), the (60-25um) spectral index, and the source extendedness at 19um, to characterize similarities and differences in the AGN populations, in terms of AGN dominance versus star formation dominance.