In this paper, we present emission line strengths, abundances, and element ratios (X/O for Ne, S, Cl, and Ar) for a sample of 38 Galactic disk planetary nebulae (PNe) consisting primarily of Peimbert classification Type I. Spectrophotometry for these PNe incorporates an extended optical/near-IR range of 3600-9600{AA} including the [SIII] lines at 9069{AA} and 9532{AA}, setting this relatively large sample apart from typical spectral coverage. We have utilized Emission Line Spectrum Analyzer, a five-level atom abundance routine, to determine Te, Ne, ionization correction factors, and total element abundances, thereby continuing our work toward a uniformly processed set of data. With a compilation of data from >120 Milky Way PNe, we present results from our most recent analysis of abundance patterns in Galactic disk PNe. With a wide range of metallicities, galactocentric distances, and both Type I and non-Type I objects, we have examined the alpha elements against HII regions and blue compact galaxies (H2BCGs) to discern signatures of depletion or enhancement in PNe progenitor stars, particularly the destruction or production of O and Ne.