We present the results of a new search for variable stars in the Local Group (LG) isolated dwarf galaxy IC 1613, based on 24 orbits of F475W and F814W photometry from the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on board the Hubble Space Telescope. We detected 259 candidate variables in this field, of which only 13 (all of them bright Cepheids) were previously known. Out of the confirmed variables, we found 90 RR Lyrae stars, 49 classical Cepheids (including 36 new discoveries), and 38 eclipsing binary stars for which we could determine a period. The RR Lyrae include 61 fundamental (RRab) and 24 first-overtone (FO, RRc) pulsators, and five pulsating in both modes simultaneously (RRd). As for the majority of LG dwarfs, the mean periods of the RRab and RRc (0.611 and 0.334 days, respectively) as well as the fraction of overtone pulsators (f_c_=0.28) place this galaxy in the intermediate regime between the Oosterhoff types. From their position on the period-luminosity diagram and light-curve morphology, we can unambiguously classify 25 and 14 Cepheids as fundamental and FO mode pulsators, respectively. Another two are clearly second-overtone Cepheids, the first ones to be discovered beyond the Magellanic Clouds. Among the remaining candidate variables, five were classified as {delta}-Scuti and five as long-period variables. Most of the others are located on the main sequence, the majority of them likely eclipsing binary systems, although some present variations similar to pulsating stars.