We use abundances of Ca, O, Na, and Al from high-resolution UVES spectra of 200 red giants in 17 globular clusters (GCs) to investigate the correlation found by Lee et al. (2009Icar..199..413C) between chemical enrichment from SNII and star-to-star variations in light elements in GC stars. We find that (1) the [Ca/H] variations between first and second generation stars are tiny in most GCs (~0.02-0.03dex, comparable with typical observational errors). In addition, (2) using a large sample of red giants in M4 (NGC 6121) with abundances from UVES spectra from Marino et al. (2008, Cat. J/A+A/490/625), we find that Ca and Fe abundances in the two populations of Na-poor and Na-rich stars are identical.