We investigate scaling relations of bulges using bulge-disk decompositions at 3.6um and present bulge classifications for 173 E-Sd galaxies within 20Mpc. Pseudobulges and classical bulges are identified using Sersic index, Hubble Space Telescope morphology, and star formation activity (traced by 8um emission). In the near-IR pseudobulges have n_b_<2 and classical bulges have n_b_>2, as found in the optical. Sersic index and morphology are essentially equivalent properties for bulge classification purposes. We confirm, using a much more robust sample, that the Sersic index of pseudobulges is uncorrelated with other bulge structural properties, unlike for classical bulges and elliptical galaxies. Also, the half-light radius of pseudobulges is not correlated with any other bulge property. We also find a new correlation between surface brightness and pseudobulge luminosity; pseudobulges become more luminous as they become more dense.