Extended extragalactic radio sources have traditionally been classified into Fanaroff & Riley (FR) I and II types, based on the ratio r_s_ of the separation S between the brightest regions on either sides of the host galaxy and the total size T of the radio source (r_s_~S/T). In this paper, we examine the distribution of various physical properties as a function of r_s_ of 1040 luminous (L>~L*) extended radio galaxies (RGs) at z<0.3 selected with well-defined criteria from the SDSS (Strauss et al. 2002AJ....124.1810S), NVSS (Condon et al. 1998, Cat. VIII/65), and FIRST (Becker et al. 1995+, Cat. VIII/71) surveys. About 2/3 of the RGs are lobe dominated (LD) and 1/3 have prominent jets. If we follow the original definition of the FR types, i.e., a division based solely on r_s_, FRI and FRII RGs overlap in their host galaxy properties.