We present Doppler images of the weak-lined T Tauri star V410 Tau obtained with two different Doppler-imaging codes. The images are consistent and show a cool extended spot, symmetric about the pole, at a temperature approximately 750K below the average photospheric value. Smaller cool spots are found fairly uniformly distributed at latitudes below the polar cap with temperatures about 450K below the average photospheric temperature. Resolution on the stellar surface is limited to about 7{deg} of arc, so structure within these spots is not visible. Also at lower latitudes are hotter features with temperatures up to 1000K above the photosphere. A trial Doppler image using a TiO molecular feature reproduced the cool polar cap at a temperature about 100K below the value from the atomic line images. The equatorial features, however, were not properly reproduced since Doppler imaging relies on information in the wings of lines for reconstructing equatorial features, and for V410 Tau these molecular band lines overlap. In 1993, V410 Tau had a large photometric amplitude resulting from the concentration of cool spots on the hemisphere of the star visible at phase 0{deg}, a phenomenon known as preferred longitude. In contrast, the small photometric amplitude observed currently is due to a strong symmetric polar spot and the uniform distribution in longitude of equatorial cool and warm spots. This redistribution of surface features may be the beginning of a slow "flip-flop" for V410 Tau where spot locations alternate between preferred longitudes. Flare events linked to two of the hotter spots in the Doppler image were observed.