The Spitzer Space Telescope has identified a population of ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) at z~2 that may play an important role in the evolution of massive galaxies. We measure the stellar masses (M_*_) of two populations of Spitzer-selected ULIRGs that have extremely red R-[24] colors (dust-obscured galaxies, or DOGs) and compare our results with submillimeter-selected galaxies (SMGs). One set of 39 DOGs has a local maximum in their mid-infrared (mid-IR) spectral energy distribution (SED) at rest frame 1.6um associated with stellar emission ("bump DOGs"), while the other set of 51 DOGs have power-law mid-IR SEDs that are typical of obscured active galactic nuclei ("power-law DOGs"). We measure M_*_ by applying Charlot & Bruzual (1991ApJ...367..126C) stellar population synthesis models to broadband photometry in the rest-frame ultraviolet, optical, and near-infrared of each of these populations.