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Resource Record Summary

Catalog Service:
Li-Be-B measurements using SIMS

Short name: J/ApJ/748/L25
IVOA Identifier: ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/748/L25
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.26093/cds/vizier.17489025
Publisher: CDSivo://CDS[Pub. ID]
More Info: https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/ApJ/748/L25
VO Compliance: Level 2: This is a VO-compliant resource.
Status: active
Registered: 2013 Nov 29 15:03:57Z


Beryllium-10 is a short-lived radionuclide (t_1/2_=1.4Myr) uniquely synthesized by spallation reactions and inferred to have been present when the solar system's oldest solids (calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions, CAIs) formed. Yet, the astrophysical site of ^10^Be nucleosynthesis is uncertain. We report Li-Be-B isotope measurements of CAIs from CV chondrites, including CAIs that formed with the canonical ^26^Al/^27^Al ratio of ~5x10^-5^ (canonical CAIs) and CAIs with Fractionation and Unidentified Nuclear isotope effects (FUN-CAIs) characterized by ^26^Al/^27^Al ratios much lower than the canonical value. Our measurements demonstrate the presence of four distinct fossil ^10^Be/^9^Be isochrons, lower in the FUN-CAIs than in the canonical CAIs, and variable within these classes. Given that FUN-CAI precursors escaped evaporation-recondensation prior to evaporative melting, we suggest that the ^10^Be/^9^Be ratio recorded by FUN-CAIs represents a baseline level present in presolar material inherited from the protosolar molecular cloud, generated via enhanced trapping of galactic cosmic rays. The higher and possibly variable apparent ^10^Be/^9^Be ratios of canonical CAIs reflect additional spallogenesis, either in the gaseous CAI-forming reservoir, or in the inclusions themselves: this indicates at least two nucleosynthetic sources of ^10^Be in the early solar system. The most promising locale for ^10^Be synthesis is close to the proto-Sun during its early mass-accreting stages, as these are thought to coincide with periods of intense particle irradiation occurring on timescales significantly shorter than the formation interval of canonical CAIs.

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About the Resource Providers

This section describes who is responsible for this resource

Publisher: CDSivo://CDS[Pub. ID]

Wielandt D.Nagashima K.Krot A.N.Huss G.R.Ivanova M.A.Bizzarro M.

Contact Information:
X CDS support team
Email: cds-question at unistra.fr
Address: CDS
Observatoire de Strasbourg
11 rue de l'Universite
F-67000 Strasbourg

Status of This Resource

This section provides some status information: the resource version, availability, and relevant dates.

Version: n/a
Availability: This is an active resource.
  • This service provides only public data.
Relevant dates for this Resource:
  • Updated: 2017 Dec 15 10:54:57Z
  • Created: 2013 Nov 29 15:03:57Z

This resource was registered on: 2013 Nov 29 15:03:57Z
This resource description was last updated on: 2021 Oct 21 00:00:00Z

What This Resource is About

This section describes what the resource is, what it contains, and how it might be relevant.

Resource Class: CatalogService
This resource is a service that provides access to catalog data. You can extract data from the catalog by issuing a query, and the matching data is returned as a table.
Resource type keywords:
  • Catalog
Subject keywords:
  • Chemical abundances
  • Atomic physics
  • Comets
  • Solar system
Intended audience or use:
  • Research: This resource provides information appropriate for supporting scientific research.
More Info: https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/ApJ/748/L25 Literature Reference: 2012ApJ...748L..25W

Related Resources:

Other Related Resources
TAP VizieR generic service(IsServedBy) ivo://CDS.VizieR/TAP [Res. ID]
J/ApJ/743/140 : Abundances (Be,{alpha}) in metal-poor stars (Boesgaard+, 2011) ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/743/140 [Res. ID]

Data Coverage Information

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Rights and Usage Information

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Available Service Interfaces

Custom Service

This is service that does not comply with any IVOA standard but instead provides access to special capabilities specific to this resource.

VO Compliance: Level 2: This is a VO-compliant resource.
Available endpoints for this service interface:
Custom Service

This is service that does not comply with any IVOA standard but instead provides access to special capabilities specific to this resource.

VO Compliance: Level 2: This is a VO-compliant resource.
Available endpoints for this service interface:
  • URL-based interface: http://vizier.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/votable?-source=J/ApJ/748/L25
Table Access Protocol - Auxiliary ServiceXX

This is a standard IVOA service that takes as input an ADQL or PQL query and returns tabular data.

VO Compliance: Level 2: This is a VO-compliant resource.
Available endpoints for the standard interface:
  • http://tapvizier.cds.unistra.fr/TAPVizieR/tap

Developed with the support of the National Science Foundation
under Cooperative Agreement AST0122449 with the Johns Hopkins University
The NAVO project is a member of the International Virtual Observatory Alliance

This NAVO Application is hosted by the Space Telescope Science Institute

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