We use the Marcario Low Resolution Spectrograph (LRS) at the Hobby-Eberly- Telescope (HET) to study the kinematics of pseudobulges and classical bulges in the nearby universe. We present major-axis rotational velocities, velocity dispersions, and h3 and h4 moments derived from high-resolution (39km/s) spectra for 45 S0 to Sc galaxies; for 27 of the galaxies we also present minor axis data. We combine our kinematics with bulge-to-disk decompositions. We demonstrate for the first time that purely kinematic diagnostics of the bulge dichotomy agree systematically with those based on Sersic index. Low Sersic index bulges have both increased rotational support (higher v/sigma values) and on average lower central velocity dispersions. Further- more, we confirm that the same correlation also holds when visual morphologies are used to diagnose bulge type. The previously noted trend of photometrically flattened bulges to have shallower velocity dispersion profiles turns to be significant and systematic if the Sersic index is used to distinguish between pseudobulges and classical bulges. The anti-correlation between h3 and v/sigma observed in elliptical galaxies is also observed in intermediate type galaxies, irrespective of bulge type. Finally, we present evidence for formerly undetected counter rotation in the two systems NGC 3945 and NGC 4736.