Recent observations by Mauerhan et al. (2013MNRAS.430.1801M) have shown the unprecedented transition of the previously identified luminous blue variable (LBV) and supernova (SN) impostor SN 2009ip to a real Type IIn SN explosion. We present ~100 optical R- and I-band photometric measurements of SN 2009ip obtained between UT 2012 September 23.6 and October 9.6, using 0.3-0.4m aperture telescopes from the Coral Towers Observatory in Cairns, Australia. The light curves show well-defined phases, including very rapid brightening early on (0.5mag in 6hr observed during the night of September 24), a transition to a much slower rise between September 25 and September 28, and a plateau/peak around October 7. These changes are coincident with the reported spectroscopic changes that most likely mark the start of a strong interaction between the fast SN ejecta and a dense circumstellar medium formed during the LBV eruptions observed in recent years. In the 16-day observing period, SN 2009ip brightened by 3.7mag from I=17.4mag on September 23.6 (M_I_=~-14.2) to I=13.7mag (M_I_=~-17.9) on October 9.6, radiating ~3x10^49^erg in the optical wavelength range. As of 2012 October 9.6, SN 2009ip is more luminous than most Type IIP SN and comparable to other Type IIn SN.