Using stellar kinematics measurements, we investigate the growth of massive, quiescent galaxies from z~2 to today. We present X-Shooter spectra from the UV to NIR and dynamical mass measurements of five quiescent massive (>10^11^M_{sun}_) galaxies at z~2. This triples the sample of z>1.5 galaxies with well-constrained ({delta}{sigma}<100km/s) velocity dispersion measurements. From spectral population synthesis modeling we find that these galaxies have stellar ages that range from 0.5 to 2Gyr, with no signs of ongoing star formation. We measure velocity dispersions (290-450km/s) from stellar absorption lines and find that they are 1.6-2.1 times higher than those of galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey at the same mass. Sizes are measured using GALFIT from Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Camera 3 H_160_ and UDS K-band images. The dynamical masses correspond well to the spectral energy distribution based stellar masses, with dynamical masses that are ~15% higher.