CN rovibrational photodissociation cross sections have been computed using ab initio derived potential curves and dipole transition moment functions adjusted to match asymptotic experimental constraints where available. Here, we report results for the electronic transitions ^2^{Sigma}^+^(4)<-X^2^{Sigma}^+^, ^2^{Sigma}^+^(5)<-X^2^{Sigma}^+^, ^2^{Pi}(4)<-X^2^{Sigma}^+^, and ^2^{Pi}(5)<-X^2^{Sigma}^+^. Partial cross sections for transitions from all 5581 rovibrational levels theoretically obtained for the ground electronic state X^2^{Sigma}^+^ were computed for a wavelength range that extends from 500{AA} to the dissociation threshold for each particular rovibrational state. Cross sections assuming a thermal Boltzmann distribution of rovibrational levels for gas temperatures between 500 to 5000 K are also obtained. Applications of the results to ultraviolet irradiated environments are discussed.