The complete spectrum of methanol (CH_3_OH) has been characterized over a range of astrophysically significant temperatures in the 560.4-654.0GHz spectral region. Absolute intensity calibration and analysis of 166 experimental spectra recorded over a slow 248-398K temperature ramp provide a means for the simulation of the complete spectrum of methanol as a function of temperature. These results include contributions from v_t_=3 and other higher states that are difficult to model via quantum mechanical (QM) techniques. They also contain contributions from the ^13^C isotopologue in terrestrial abundance. In contrast to our earlier work on semi-rigid species, such as ethyl cyanide and vinyl cyanide, significant intensity differences between these experimental values and those calculated by QM methods were found for many of the lines. Analysis of these differences shows the difficulty of the calculation of dipole matrix elements in the context of the internal rotation of the methanol molecule. These results are used to both provide catalogs in the usual line frequency, linestrength, and lower state energy format, as well as in a frequency point-by-point catalog that is particularly well suited for the characterization of blended lines.