We analyze Mg II {lambda}{lambda}2796, 2803 and Fe II {lambda}{lambda}2586, 2600 absorption profiles in individual spectra of 105 galaxies at 0.3<z<1.4. The galaxies, drawn from redshift surveys of the GOODS fields and the Extended Groth Strip, sample the range in star formation rates (SFRs) occupied by the star-forming sequence with stellar masses log M_*_/M_{sun}_>~9.6 down to SFR>~2 M_{sun}_/yr at 0.3<z<0.7. Using the Doppler shifts of Mg II and Fe II absorption as tracers of cool gas kinematics, we detect large-scale winds in 66+/-5% of the galaxies. Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys imaging and our spectral analysis indicate that the outflow detection rate depends primarily on galaxy orientation: winds are detected in ~89% of galaxies having inclinations (i) <30{deg} (face-on), while the wind detection rate is ~45% in objects having i>50{deg} (edge-on). Combined with the comparatively weak dependence of wind detection rate on intrinsic galaxy properties, this implies that biconical outflows are ubiquitous in normal, star-forming galaxies at z~0.5. We find that wind velocity is correlated with galaxy M_*_ at 3.4{sigma} significance, while outflow equivalent width is correlated with SFR at 3.5{sigma} significance, suggesting hosts with higher SFR launch more material and/or generate a larger velocity spread for the absorbing clouds. Assuming the gas is driven into halos with isothermal density profiles, the wind velocities (~200-400 km/s) permit escape from the halo potentials only for the lowest-M_*_systems in the sample. However, the gas carries sufficient energy to reach distances >~50 kpc, and may therefore be a viable source of material for the massive, cool circumgalactic medium around bright galaxies at z~0.