We present a detailed, multi-wavelength study of star formation (SF) and active galactic nucleus (AGN) activity in 11 near-infrared (IR) selected, spectroscopically confirmed massive (>~10^14^M_{sun}_) galaxy clusters at 1<z<1.75. Using new deep Herschel/PACS imaging, we characterize the optical to far-IR spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for IR-luminous cluster galaxies, finding that they can, on average, be well described by field galaxy templates. Identification and decomposition of AGNs through SED fittings allows us to include the contribution to cluster SF from AGN host galaxies. We quantify the star-forming fraction, dust-obscured SF rates (SFRs) and specific SFRs for cluster galaxies as a function of cluster-centric radius and redshift. In good agreement with previous studies, we find that SF in cluster galaxies at z>~1.4 is largely consistent with field galaxies at similar epochs, indicating an era before significant quenching in the cluster cores (r<0.5Mpc). This is followed by a transition to lower SF activity as environmental quenching dominates by z~1. Enhanced SFRs are found in lower mass (10.1<logM_*_/M_{sun}_<10.8) cluster galaxies. We find significant variation in SF from cluster to cluster within our uniformly selected sample, indicating that caution should be taken when evaluating individual clusters. We examine AGNs in clusters from z=0.5-2, finding an excess AGN fraction at z>~1, suggesting environmental triggering of AGNs during this epoch. We argue that our results --a transition from field-like to quenched SF, enhanced SF in lower mass galaxies in the cluster cores, and excess AGNs-- are consistent with a co-evolution between SF and AGNs in clusters and an increased merger rate in massive halos at high redshift.