Based on the recently completed Chandra/ACIS survey of X-ray point sources in nearby galaxies, we study the X-ray luminosity functions (XLFs) for X-ray point sources in different types of galaxies and the statistical properties of ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs). Uniform procedures are developed to compute the detection threshold, to estimate the foreground/background contamination, and to calculate the XLFs for individual galaxies and groups of galaxies, resulting in an XLF library of 343 galaxies of different types. With the large number of surveyed galaxies, we have studied the XLFs and ULX properties across different host galaxy types, and confirm with good statistics that the XLF slope flattens from lenticular ({alpha}{\sim}1.50{\pm}0.07) to elliptical ({\sim}1.21{\pm}0.02), to spirals ({\sim}0.80{\pm}0.02), to peculiars ({\sim}0.55{\pm}0.30), and to irregulars ({\sim}0.26{\pm}0.10). The XLF break dividing the neutron star and black hole binaries is also confirmed, albeit at quite different break luminosities for different types of galaxies. A radial dependency is found for ellipticals, with a flatter XLF slope for sources located between D_25_ and 2D_25_, suggesting the XLF slopes in the outer region of early-type galaxies are dominated by low-mass X-ray binaries in globular clusters. This study shows that the ULX rate in early-type galaxies is 0.24{\pm}0.05 ULXs per surveyed galaxy, on a 5{sigma} confidence level. The XLF for ULXs in late-type galaxies extends smoothly until it drops abruptly around 4x10^40^erg/s, and this break may suggest a mild boundary between the stellar black hole population possibly including 30M{\sun} black holes with super-Eddington radiation and intermediate mass black holes.