The Candidate Cluster and Protocluster Catalog (CCPC) is a list of objects at redshifts z>2 composed of galaxies with spectroscopically confirmed redshifts that are coincident on the sky and in redshift. These protoclusters are identified by searching for groups in volumes corresponding to the expected size of the most massive protoclusters at these redshifts. In CCPC1 we identified 43 candidate protoclusters among 14000 galaxies between 2.74<z<3.71. Here we expand our search to more than 40000 galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts z>2.00, resulting in an additional 173 candidate structures. The most significant of these are 36 protoclusters with overdensities {delta}_gal_>7. We also identify three large proto-supercluster candidates containing multiple protoclusters at z=2.3, 3.5 and z=6.56. Eight candidates with N>=10 galaxies are found at redshifts z>4.0. The last system in the catalog is the most distant spectroscopic protocluster candidate known to date at z=6.56.