NASA's K2 mission is observing tens of thousands of stars along the ecliptic, providing data suitable for large-scale asteroseismic analyses to inform galactic archaeology studies. Its first campaign covered a field near the north Galactic cap, a region never covered before by large asteroseismic-ensemble investigations, and was therefore of particular interest for exploring this part of our Galaxy. Here we report the asteroseismic analysis of all stars selected by the K2 Galactic Archaeology Program during the mission's "north Galactic cap" campaign 1. Our consolidated analysis uses six independent methods to measure the global seismic properties, in particular the large frequency separation and the frequency of maximum power. From the full target sample of 8630 stars we find about 1200 oscillating red giants, a number comparable with estimates from galactic synthesis modeling. Thus, as a valuable by-product we find roughly 7500 stars to be dwarfs, which provide a sample well suited for galactic exoplanet occurrence studies because they originate from our simple and easily reproducible selection function.