We image 104 newly identified low-mass (mostly M-dwarf) pre-main sequence (PMS) members of nearby young moving groups (YMGs) with Magellan Adaptive Optics (MagAO) and identify 27 stellar binaries with instantaneous projected separation as small as 40mas. Fifteen were previously unknown. The total number of multiple systems in this sample including spectroscopic and visual binaries from the literature is 36, giving a raw stellar multiplicity rate of at least 35_-4_^+5^% for this population. In the separation range of roughly 1-300au in which infrared AO imaging is most sensitive, the raw multiplicity rate is at least 24_-4_^+5^% for binaries resolved by the MagAO infrared camera (Clio). The M-star subsample of 87 stars yields a raw multiplicity of at least 30_-4_^+5^% over all separations, 21_-4_^+5^% for secondary companions resolved by Clio from 1 to 300au (23_-4_^+5^% for all known binaries in this separation range). A combined analysis with binaries discovered by the Search for Associations Containing Young stars shows that stellar multiplicity fraction as a function of mass over the range of 0.2 to 1.2M_{sun}_ appears to be linearly flat, in contrast to the field, where multiplicity increases with mass. After bias corrections are applied, the multiplicity of low-mass YMG members (0.2-0.6M_{sun}_) is in excess of the field. The overall multiplicity fraction is also consistent with being constant in age and across YMGs, which suggests that multiplicity rates for this mass range are largely set by 10Myr without appreciable evolution thereafter.