We present the large statistics of the galaxy effective radius Re in the rest-frame far-infrared (FIR) wavelength R_e(FIR)_ obtained from 1627 Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) 1mm band maps that become public by 2017 July. Our ALMA sample consists of 1034 sources with the star formation rate ~100-1000M_{sun}_/yr and the stellar mass ~10^10^-10^11.5^M_{sun}_ at z=0-6. We homogeneously derive R_e(FIR)_ and FIR luminosity LFIR of our ALMA sources via the uv-visibility method with the exponential disk model, carefully evaluating selection and measurement incompletenesses by realistic Monte-Carlo simulations. We find that there is a positive correlation between R_e(FIR)_ and LFIR at the >99% significance level. The best-fit power-law function, R_e(FIR)_{propto}L_FIR_^{alpha}^, provides {alpha}=0.28+/-0.07, and shows that R_e(FIR)_ at a fixed LFIR decreases toward high redshifts. The best-fit {alpha} and the redshift evolution of R_e(FIR)_ are similar to those of Re in the rest-frame UV (optical) wavelength R_e(UV)_ (R_e(Opt)_) revealed by Hubble Space Telescope (HST) studies. We identify that our ALMA sources have significant trends of R_e(FIR)_<~R_e(UV)_ and R_e(Opt)_, which suggests that the dusty starbursts take place in compact regions. Moreover, R_e(FIR)_ of our ALMA sources is comparable to R_e(Opt)_ of quiescent galaxies at z~1-3 as a function of stellar mass, supporting the evolutionary connection between these two galaxy populations. We also investigate rest- frame UV and optical morphologies of our ALMA sources with deep HST images, and find that ~30%-40% of our ALMA sources are classified as major mergers. This indicates that dusty starbursts are triggered by not only the major mergers but also the other mechanism(s).