We have found a sample of extreme emission-line galaxies (EELGs) with strong [OIII]{lambda}5007 emission at z~0.5. Using broadband photometric selection and requiring small uncertainties in photometry, we searched the 14th Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and found 2658 candidates with strong i-band excess (i-z<=r-i-0.7). We further obtained 649 SDSS spectra of these objects, and visually identified 22 [OIII] emitters lying at 0.40<z<0.63. Having constructed their ultraviolet-infrared spectral energy distributions, we found that they have fairly blue r-W2 and red W1-W4 colors, indicative of strong, warm dust emission. Their rest-frame [OIII]{lambda}5007 equivalent widths are mostly 200-600{AA}, and their high [OIII]{lambda}5007/H{beta} ratios put them at the boundary of star-forming galaxies and active galactic nuclei on line ratio classification diagrams. The typical E(B-V) and electron temperature of [OIII] emitters are ~0.1-0.3mag and ~104K, respectively. The lowest metallicity of our [OIII] emitters with S/N[OIII]{lambda}4363>3 is 12+log(O/H)=7.98_-0.02_^+0.12^, with a median value of 8.24_-0.04_^+0.05^. Our [OIII] emitters exhibit remarkably high line luminosity-18/22 have L[OIII]{lambda}5007>5x10^42^erg/s and 5/22 have L[OIII]{lambda}5007>10^43^erg/s. Their estimated volume number density at z~0.5 is ~2x10^-8^Mpc^-3^, with L[OIII]{lambda}5007 down to ~3x10^42^erg/s. The cumulative number distribution of EELGs across different redshifts is indicative of a strong redshift evolution at the bright end of the [OIII] luminosity function.