As a function of the solar phase angle, {alpha}, the linear polarization degree (referred to the scattering plane, P_r_) of solar system objects is a good diagnostic for understanding the scattering properties of their surface materials. We report the P_r_ of Phaethon over a wide range of {alpha} from 19.1{deg} to 114.3{deg}. The derived phase-polarization curve shows that the maximum of P_r_, Pmax, is >42.4% at {alpha}>114.3{deg}, a value significantly larger than those of the moderate albedo asteroids (Pmax~9%). The phase-polarization curve classifies Phaethon as B-type as well as M- and K-type asteroids, in the polarimetric taxonomy, being compatible with the spectral property. We compute the geometric albedo, p_v_, of 0.14+/-0.04 independently by using an empirical slope-albedo relation, and the derived p_v_ is consistent with previous results determined from mid-infrared spectra and thermophysical modeling. We find no periodic variation of P_r_ in our polarimetric data in the range from 0 up to 7.208hr (e.g., less than twice the rotational period). We also find significant differences between our P_r_ during the 2017 approach toward Earth and that in 2016, implying that Phaethon has a region with different properties for light scattering near its rotational pole.