We use LAMOST DR4 M giants combined with Gaia DR2 proper motions and ALLWISE photometry to obtain an extremely pure sample of Sagittarius (Sgr) stream stars. Using TiO5 and CaH spectral indices as indicators, we selected a large sample of M-giant stars from M-dwarf stars in LAMOST DR4 spectra. Considering the position, distance, proper motion, and angular momentum distribution, we obtained 164 pure Sgr stream stars. We find that the trailing arm has higher energy than the leading arm in the same angular momentum. The trailing arm we detected extends to a heliocentric distance of ~130kpc at {Lambda}_{sun}_~170{deg}, which is consistent with the feature found in RR Lyrae in Sesar+ (2017, J/ApJ/844/L4). Both of these detections of Sgr, in M-giants and in RR Lyrae, imply that the Sgr stream may contain multiple stellar populations with a broad metallicity range.