Few detailed investigations of stellar populations in passive galaxies beyond z~1 are based on deep spectroscopic observations, due to the difficulty in obtaining such data. We present a study of stellar populations, structure, and mass-to-light ratios (M/L) of a large sample of bulge-dominated galaxies in the two z=1.27 clusters Lynx E and Lynx W, based on deep ground-based optical spectroscopy combined with imaging from the Hubble Space Telescope. We find that Lynx E has a well-defined core of red passive galaxies, while Lynx W lacks such a core. If all the sample galaxies evolve similarly in size from z=1.27 to the present, the data would allow only 0.1dex size growth at a fixed dynamical mass. However, to link the Lynx central galaxies to brightest cluster galaxies similar to those of low-redshift clusters, the Lynx galaxies would have to grow by at least a factor 5, possibly through major merging. The M/L ratios and the Balmer absorption lines of the Lynx galaxies are consistent with passive evolution of the stellar populations from z=1.27 to the present and support ages of 1-3Gyr. The galaxies in the outskirts of the clusters contain younger stellar populations than found in the cluster cores. However, when evolved passively to z~0 both populations are consistent with the observed populations in the Coma cluster galaxies. The bulge-dominated emission line galaxies in the clusters are dominated by stellar populations with subsolar metallicities. Thus, additional enrichment of these is required to produce Coma-like stellar populations by z~0.