Active galactic nuclei (AGNs) show a correlation between the size of the broad line region and the monochromatic continuum luminosity at 5100{AA}, allowing black hole mass estimation based on single-epoch spectra. However, the validity of the correlation is yet to be clearly tested for high-luminosity AGNs. We present the first reverberation mapping results of the Seoul National University AGN Monitoring Project (SAMP), which is designed to focus on luminous AGNs for probing the high end of the size-luminosity relation. We report time lag measurements of two AGNs, namely, 2MASSJ10261389+5237510 and SDSSJ161911.24+501109.2, using the light curves obtained over an ~1000d period with an average cadence of 10 and 20d, respectively, for photometry and spectroscopy monitoring. Based on a cross-correlation analysis and H{beta} line width measurements, we determine the H{beta} lag as 41.8_-6.0_^+4.9^ and 52.6_-14.7_^+17.6^ days in the observed frame, and black hole mass as 3.65_-0.57_^+0.49^x10^7^M_{sun}_ and 23.02_-6.56_^+7.81^x10^7^M_{sun}_, respectively, for 2MASS J1026 and SDSS J1619.