As one of the most interesting Seyfert 1 galaxies, PG 2130+099 has been the target of several reverberation mapping (RM) campaigns over the years. However, its measured broad H{beta} line responses have been inconsistent, with time lags of ~200days, ~25days, and ~10days being reported for different epochs while its optical luminosity changed no more than 40%. To investigate this issue, we conducted a new RM-campaign with homogenous and high cadence (about ~3days) for two years during 2017-2019 to measure the kinematics and structure of the ionized gas. We successfully detected time lags of broad H{beta}, HeII, HeI, and FeII lines with respect to the varying 5100{AA} continuum, revealing a stratified structure that is likely virialized with Keplerian kinematics in the first year of observations, but an inflow kinematics of the broad-line region from the second year. With a central black hole mass of 0.97_-0.18_^+0.15^x10^7^M_{sun}_, PG2130+099 has an accretion rate of 10^2.1+/-0.5^L_Edd_c^-2^, where L_Edd_ is the Eddington luminosity and c is speed of light, implying that it is a super-Eddington accretor and likely possesses a slim, rather than thin, accretion disk. The fast changes of the ionization structures of the three broad lines remain puzzling.