We present a spectroscopic analysis of the recently discovered fast-evolving Type I superluminous supernova (SLSN-I) SN 2019neq (at redshift z=0.1059). We compare it to the well-studied slowly evolving SLSN-I SN 2010kd (z=0.101). Our main goal is to search for spectroscopic differences between the two groups of SLSNe-I. Differences in the spectra may reveal different ejecta compositions and explosion mechanisms. Our investigation concentrates on optical spectra observed with the 10m Hobby-Eberly Telescope Low Resolution Spectrograph-2 at McDonald Observatory during the photospheric phase. We apply the SYN++ code to model the spectra of SN 2019neq taken at -4days, +5days, and +29days from maximum light. We examine the chemical evolution and ejecta composition of the SLSN by identifying the elements and ionization states in its spectra. We find that a spectral model consisting of OIII, CoIII, and SiIV gives a SYN++ fit that is comparable to the typical SLSN-I spectral model consisting of OII, and conclude that the true identification of those lines, at least in the case of SN 2019neq, is ambiguous. Based on modeling the entire optical spectrum, we classify SN 2019neq as a fast-evolving SLSN-I having a photospheric velocity gradient of dv/dt~375km/s/day, which is among the highest velocity gradients observed for an SLSN-I. Inferring the velocity gradient from the proposed FeII{lambda}5169 feature alone would result in dv/dt~100km/s/day, which is still within the observed range of fast-evolving SLSNe-I. In addition, we derive the number density of relevant ionization states for a variety of identified elements at the epoch of the three observations. Finally, we give constraints on the lower limit of the ejecta mass and find that both SLSNe have an ejecta mass at least one order of magnitude higher than normal SNe Ia, while the fast-evolving SN 2019neq has an ejecta mass a factor of two lower than the slowly evolving SN 2010kd. These mass estimates suggest the existence of a possible correlation between the evolution timescale and the ejected mass of SLSNe-I.