I-band luminosities, rotational velocities, and redshifts of 1092 spiral galaxies have been measured by CCD photometry and Halpha spectroscopy using the 1m and 2.3m telescopes at Siding Spring Observatory, respectively. The results are tabulated. Luminosity profiles and Halpha rotation curves are given for the galaxies. When these results are combined with similar data for 1355 spiral galaxies published previously (Mathewson, Ford, & Buchhorn, hereafter Paper I, 1992ApJS...81..413M), it provides a large, uniform, and unique data set with which to measure, via the Tully-Fisher relation, the peculiar velocities of galaxies in the local universe to a distance of 11,000km/s (Mathewson & Ford, in Proc. Heron Island Workshop on Peculiar Velocities in the Universe). Taking advantage of the opportunity for publishing this data in machine-readable form, in the CD-ROM, we have also published similar data for the 1355 galaxies in Paper I.