This catalog contains the tabulated results from a three-color (JHK) near-Infrared imaging survey of the Rho Ophiuchi star-forming cloud core. The NIR imaging observations were acquired using the SQIID instrument on the Kitt Peak 1.3m telescope from June 4-10, 1993 and April 23-28, 1994. The survey covered one square degree (2.2pc by 2.2pc). The catalog contains 4495 sources with both J2000.0 and B1950.0 coordinates for each source and its J, H, and K magnitudes and/or upper their limits. The Rho Ophiuchi clouds are of great interest for star formation studies, since they include the nearest example of a currently forming star cluster. The absolute positions in RA and Dec were determined for each individual source by using a centering algorithm in the IRAF package APPHOT to obtain center positions in pixels which were then merged into a single common positional grid. Absolute stellar coordinates were determined by comparing the authors positional database with the positions of 36 HST Guide Star Catalog stars spread out over the survey field. These were used to determine a plate scale and rotation which was used to generate the final list of source positions. The position determination technique and the photometric data reduction and calibration is discussed in detail in the source reference.