We present redshifts for a sample of 4391 galaxies with magnitude m_B(0)_<=15.5 covering 20h<=RA<=4h in right ascension and -2.5{deg}<=DE<=90{deg} in declination. This sample is complete for all galaxies in the merge of the Zwicky et al. and Nilson catalogs in the south Galactic cap. Redshifts for 2964 of these were measured as part of the second CfA Redshift Survey. The data reveal large voids in the foreground and background of the Perseus-Pisces Supercluster. The largest of these voids lies at a mean velocity ~8000km/s, has diameter ~5000km/s, and is enclosed by a complex of dense structures. The large structure known as the Perseus-Pisces Supercluster forms the near side of this complex. On the far side of this large void, at a mean velocity ~12000km/s, there is another coherent dense wall. The structures in this survey support the view that galaxies generally lie on surfaces surrounding or nearly surrounding low-density regions or voids.