We present a new catalog of 406 dense cores optically selected by using the STScI Digitized Sky Survey (DSS). In this catalog 306 cores have neither an embedded young stellar object (EYSO) nor a pre-main-sequence (PMS) star, 94 cores have EYSOs (one core has both an EYSO and a PMS star), and six cores have PMS stars only. Our sample of dense cores in the catalog is fairly complete within a category of northern Lynds class 5 and 6 clouds and southern Hartley et al. class A clouds, providing a database useful for the systematic study of dense cores. Most of the cores listed in the catalog have diameters between 0.05 and 0.36 pc with a mean of ~0.24pc. The sizes (~0.33pc in the mean) of cores with EYSOs are found to be usually larger than the sizes (~0.22pc in the mean) of starless cores. The typical mean gas density of the cores is ~7x10^3^cm^-3^. Most of the cores are more likely elongated than spherical (mean aspect ratio: ~2.4). The ratio of the number of cores with EYSOs to the number of starless cores for our sample is about 0.3, suggesting that the typical lifetime of starless cores is 0.3-1.6Myr, about 3 times longer than the duration of the class 0 and class I phases. This lifetime is shorter than expected from models of ambipolar diffusion, by factors of 2-44.