We have used the Very Large Array (VLA) to conduct a survey for radio continuum emission in the sample of 52 Seyfert nuclei selected from the optical spectroscopic galaxy catalog of Ho, Filippenko, & Sargent (1995, Cat. <J/ApJS/98/477>. This Seyfert sample is the most complete and least biased available, and, as such, it will be useful for a variety of statistical analyses. Here we present the observations, measurements, and an atlas of radio maps. The observations were made at 6 cm in the B array and at 20 cm in the A array, yielding matched angular resolutions of ~1". We detected 44 objects (85%) at 6 cm and 37 objects (71%) at 20 cm above a 3{sigma} threshold of 0.12mJy/beam. The sources have a wide range of radio powers (P~10^19^-10^25^W/Hz), spectral indices ({alpha}^20^_6_~+0.5 to 1), and linear sizes (L~few tens pc - 15kpc). The morphology of the radio emission is predominantly that of a compact core, either unresolved or slightly resolved, occasionally accompanied by elongated, jetlike features. Linearly polarized emission was detected at 6 cm in 12 sources, nine of which were also detected at 20 cm.