This is the second paper in a series studying the photometric and spectroscopic properties of galaxies of different luminosities in the Coma Cluster. We present the sample selection, spectroscopic observations, and completeness functions. To study the spectral properties of galaxies as a function of their local environment, two fields were selected for spectroscopic observations to cover both the core (Coma 1) and outskirts (i.e., southwest of the core and centered on NGC 4839; Coma 3) of the cluster. To maximize the efficiency of spectroscopic observations, two subsamples were defined, consisting of "bright" and "faint" galaxies, both drawn from magnitude-limited parent samples. Medium-resolution spectroscopy (6-9{AA}) was then carried out for a total of 490 galaxies in both fields (302 in Coma 1 and 188 in Coma 3), using the WYFFOS multifiber spectrograph on the William Herschel Telescope. The galaxies cover a range of 12<R<20, corresponding to -23<M_R_<-15 (H_0_=65km/s/Mpc). The redshifts for these galaxies are measured with an accuracy of 75km/s.