We present a radio continuum survey at 1400 and 350 MHz of a region of 2{deg}x2{deg} centered on the Cygnus OB2 association (d=1.7kpc), using the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) with angular resolutions of, respectively, 13" and 55". The resulting 5{sigma} flux-density limits of, respectively, ~2mJy and ~10-15mJy are a significant improvement over previous surveys. We detected 210 discrete sources with sizes less than 1.9{theta}beam (beam size), 98 of which at both frequencies. We also detected 28 resolved sources (sizes>1.9{theta}beam) still having well-defined peak intensities. The observed spectral index {alpha}^1400^_350_ distribution and source count strongly suggest an excess of sources of Galactic origin in the direction of Cyg OB2.