We present a listing of prominent filamentary structures in the interstellar cirrus, selected with an eye toward current and planned far-infrared and submillimeter polarimetry facilities. The filaments were identified on the 100{mu}m plates of the IRAS Sky Survey Atlas (ISSA, Wheelock et al. 1994, IRAS Sky Survey Atlas: Explanatory Supplement (JPL Publ. 94-11; Pasadena: JPL)), using a computer vision algorithm that is unbiased with respect to source intensity. Our catalog is two-tiered: the selection criteria in the Galactic plane are based on the sensitivity limits of airborne polarimeters such as the proposed HALE instrument for SOFIA, and away from the plane the limits are dictated by the sensitivities of balloon-borne cosmic microwave background experiments, such as BOOMERanG and MAXIMA. Infrared detector technology is currently at the point where detecting the polarization of the interstellar cirrus is feasible, and we hope this catalog will assist any experimenter undertaking this task.