We present the results of a photometric and spectroscopic survey of the globular cluster (GC) system of NGC 5128 (Centaurus A), a galaxy whose proximity makes it an important target for early-type galaxy studies. We imaged three fields in UBVRI that extend 50 and 30kpc along the major and minor axes, respectively. We used both color and size information to develop efficient selection criteria for differentiating between star clusters and foreground stars. In total, we obtained new velocities for 138 globular clusters, nearly tripling the number of known clusters, and bringing the confirmed total in NGC 5128 to 215. We present a full catalog of all known GCs, with their positions, photometry, and velocities. In addition, we present catalogs of other objects observed, such as foreground stars, background galaxies, three Galactic white dwarfs, seven background QSOs, and 52 optical counterparts to known X-ray point sources. We also report an observation of the cluster [HGH92] G169, in which we confirm the existence of a bright emission line object. This object, however, is unlikely to be a planetary nebula, but may be a supernova remnant.