We present CS(3-2) and DCO^+^(2-1) observations of 94 starless cores and compare the results with previous CS(2-1) and N_2_H^+^(1-0) observations to study inward motions in starless cores. Eighty-four cores were detected in both CS and DCO^+^ lines. We identify 18 infall candidates based on observations of CS(3-2), CS(2-1), DCO^+^(2-1) and N_2_H^+^(1-0). The eight best candidates, L1355, L1498, L1521F, L1544, L158, L492, L694-2, and L1155C-1, each show at least four indications of infall asymmetry and no counterindications. Fits of the spectra to a two-layer radiative transfer model in ten infall candidates suggest that the median effective line of sight speed of the inward-moving gas is ~0.07km/s for CS(3-2) and ~0.04km/s for CS(2-1).