The Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE), aboard the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO), provided a record of the low-energy gamma-ray sky (~20-1000keV) between 1991 April and 2000 May (9.1yr). We performed a deep-sampling of 58 objects, plus a selection of 121 more objects, combining data from the entire 9.1yr BATSE data set. Source types considered were primarily accreting binaries, but a small number of representative active galaxies, X-ray-emitting stars, and supernova remnants were also included. The sample represents a compilation of sources monitored and/or discovered with BATSE and other high-energy instruments between 1991 and 2000, known sources taken from the HEAO 1 A-4 (1984ApJS...54..581L) and Macomb & Gehrels (1999ApJS..120..335M, Cat. <J/ApJS/120/335>) catalogs. Flux data for the deep sample are presented in four energy bands: 2040, 4070, 70160, and 160430keV. The limiting average flux level (9.1yr) for the sample varies from 3.5 to 20mcrab (5{sigma}) between 20 and 430keV, depending on systematic error, which in turn is primarily dependent on the sky location.