We have used the MHW2 filter to obtain estimates of the flux densities at the WMAP frequencies of a complete sample of 2491 sources, mostly brighter than 500mJy at 5GHz, distributed over the whole sky excluding a strip around the Galactic equator (|b|<=5{deg}). After having detected 933 sources at the >=3{sigma} level in the MHW2 filtered maps-our New Extragalactic WMAP Point Source Catalogue (NEWPS_3{sigma}_)-we are left with 381 sources at >=5{sigma} in at least one WMAP channel, 369 of which constitute our NEWPS_5{sigma}_ catalog. It is remarkable to note that 98 (i.e., 26%) sources detected at are "new," they are not present in the WMAP catalog.