We present U, B, V, I broadband, 6200{AA} TiO medium band, and H{alpha} narrow band photometry of the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC) obtained with the WFI imager at the ESO/MPI 2.2 telescope at La Silla Observatory. The nearly simultaneous observations cover the entire ONC in a field of about 34x34arcmin^2^. They enable us to determine stellar colors avoiding the additional scatter in the photometry induced by stellar variability typical of pre-main-sequence stars. We identify 2612 point-like sources in the I band; 58%, 43%, and 17% of them are also detected in V, B, and U, respectively. 1040 sources are identified in the H{alpha} band. In this paper we present the observations, the calibration techniques adopted, and the resulting catalog. We show the derived color-magnitude diagram of the population and discuss the completeness of our photometry. We define a spectrophotometric TiO index that takes into account the fluxes in the V, I, and TiO bands. Comparing it with spectral types of ONC members in the literature, we find a correlation between the index and the spectral type valid for M-type stars, which is accurate to better than 1 spectral subclass for M3-M6 types and better than 2 spectral subclasses for M0-M2 types. This allows us to newly classify 217 stars.