In the context of the VLA-COSMOS Deep project, additional VLA A array observations at 1.4GHz were obtained for the central degree of the COSMOS field and combined with the existing data from the VLA-COSMOS Large project. A newly constructed Deep mosaic with a resolution of 2.5" was used to search for sources down to 4{sigma} with 1{sigma}~12uJy/beam in the central 50'x50'. This new catalog is combined with the catalog from the Large project (obtained at 1.5"x1.4" resolution) to construct a new Joint catalog. All sources listed in the new Joint catalog have peak flux densities of >=5{sigma} at 1.5" and/or 2.5" resolution to account for the fact that a significant fraction of sources at these low flux levels are expected to be slightly resolved at 1.5" resolution. All properties listed in the Joint catalog, such as peak flux density, integrated flux density, and source size, are determined in the 2.5" resolution Deep image. In addition, the Joint catalog contains 43 newly identified multi-component sources.