By 2007 December 14, 383 galaxies within 40Mpc with isophotal major axis above 1arcmin had been observed by 626 public Chandra/ACIS observations, most of which were for the first time analyzed by this survey to study the X-ray point sources. Uniform data analysis procedures are applied to the 626 ACIS observations and lead to the detection of 28099 point sources, which belong to 17599 independent sources. These include 8700 sources observed twice or more and 1000 sources observed 10 times or more, providing us a wealth of data to study the long-term variability of these X-ray sources. Cross-correlation of these sources with galaxy isophotes led to 8519 sources within the D_25_ isophotes of 351 galaxies, 3305 sources between the D_25_ and 2D_25_ isophotes of 309 galaxies, and additionally 5735 sources outside 2D_25_ isophotes of galaxies. This survey has produced a uniform catalog, by far the largest, of 11824 X-ray point sources within 2D_25_ isophotes of 380 galaxies. Contamination analysis using the log N-log S relation shows that 74% of sources within 2D_25_ isophotes above 10^39^erg/s, 71% of sources above 10^38^erg/s, 63% of sources above 10^37^erg/s, and 56% of all sources are truly associated with galaxies. Meticulous efforts have identified 234 X-ray sources with galactic nuclei of nearby galaxies. This archival survey leads to 300 ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) with L_X_(0.3-8keV)>=2x10^39^erg/s within D_25_ isophotes, 179 ULXs between D_25_ and 2D_25_ isophotes, and a total of 479 ULXs within 188 host galaxies, with about 324 ULXs truly associated with host galaxies based on the contamination analysis.