We present an IRAC 3.6+4.5um selected catalog in the Extended Groth Strip (EGS) containing photometry from the ultraviolet to the far-infrared and stellar parameters derived from the analysis of the multi-wavelength data. In this paper, we describe the method used to build coherent spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for all the sources. In a forthcoming companion paper, we analyze those SEDs to obtain robust estimations of stellar parameters such as photometric redshifts, stellar masses, and star formation rates. The catalog comprises 76936 sources with [3.6]<=23.75mag (85% completeness level of the IRAC survey in the EGS) over 0.48deg^2^. For approximately 16% of this sample, we are able to deconvolve the IRAC data to obtain robust fluxes for the multiple counterparts found in ground-based optical images. Typically, the SEDs of the IRAC sources in our catalog count with more than 15 photometric data points, spanning from the ultraviolet wavelengths probed by GALEX to the far-infrared observed by Spitzer, and going through ground- and space-based optical and near-infrared data taken with 2-8m class telescopes. Approximately 95% and 90% of all IRAC sources are detected in the deepest optical and near-infrared bands. These fractions are reduced to 85% and 70% for S/N>5 detections in each band. Only 10% of the sources in the catalog have optical spectroscopy and redshift estimations. Almost 20% and 2% of the sources are detected by MIPS at 24 and 70um, respectively. We also cross-correlate our catalog with public X-ray and radio catalogs.