We provide new measurements of wavenumbers and line identifications of 10100 UI and UII near-infrared (NIR) emission lines between 2500cm^-1^ and 12000cm^-1^ (850-4000nm) using archival Fourier transform spectrometer spectra from the National Solar Observatory. This line list includes isolated uranium lines in the Y, J, H, K, and L bands (0.9-1.1um, 1.2-1.35um, 1.5-1.65um, 2.0-2.4um, and 3.0-4.0um, respectively), and provides six times as many calibration lines as thorium in the NIR spectral range. The line lists we provide enable inexpensive, commercially available uranium hollow cathode lamps to be used for high-precision wavelength calibration of existing and future high-resolution NIR spectrographs.