We present an all-sky catalog of diffuse OVII and OVIII line intensities, extracted from archival XMM-Newton observations. This catalog supersedes our previous catalog (Henley et al., 2010, Cat. J/ApJS/187/388), which covered the sky between l=120{deg} and l=240{deg}. We attempted to reduce the contamination from near-Earth solar wind charge exchange (SWCX) emission by excluding times of high solar wind proton flux from the data. Without this filtering, we were able to extract measurements from 1868 observations. With this filtering, nearly half of the observations became unusable, and only 1003 observations yielded measurements. The OVII and OVIII intensities are typically ~2-11 and <~3 photons/cm^2^/s/sr (line unit, L.U.), respectively, although much brighter intensities were also recorded. Our data set includes 217 directions that have been observed multiple times by XMM-Newton. The time variation of the intensities from such directions may be used to constrain SWCX models.