We present the X-ray point-source catalog produced from the Chandra Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS-I) observations of the combined ~3.2deg^2^ DEEP2 (XDEEP2) survey fields, which consist of four ~0.7-1.1deg^2^ fields. The combined total exposures across all four XDEEP2 fields range from ~10ks to 1.1Ms. We detect X-ray point sources in both the individual ACIS-I observations and the overlapping regions in the merged (stacked) images. We find a total of 2976 unique X-ray sources within the survey area with an expected false-source contamination of ~30 sources (<~1%). Additionally, we present a Bayesian-style method for associating the X-ray sources with optical photometric counterparts in the DEEP2 catalog (complete to R_AB_<25.2) and find that 2126 (~71.4%+/-2.8%) of the 2976 X-ray sources presented here have a secure optical counterpart with a <~6% contamination fraction. We provide the DEEP2 optical source properties (e.g., magnitude, redshift) as part of the X-ray-optical counterpart catalog.