Line strengths have been calculated in the form of Einstein A coefficients and f-values for a large number of bands of the A^2^{Pi}-X^2^{Sigma}^+^ and B^2^{Sigma}^+^-X^2^{Sigma}^+^ systems and rovibrational transitions within the X^2^{Sigma}^+^ state of CN using Western's PGOPHER program. The J dependence of the transition dipole moment matrix elements (the Herman-Wallis effect) has been taken into account. Rydberg-Klein-Rees potential energy functions for the A^2^{Pi}, B^2^{Sigma}^+^, and X^2^{Sigma}^+^ states were computed using spectroscopic constants from the A^2^{Pi}-X^2^{Sigma}^+^ and B^2^{Sigma}^+^-X^2^{Sigma}^+^ transitions. New electronic transition dipole moment functions for these systems and a dipole moment function for the X^2^{Sigma}^+^ state were generated from high level ab initio calculations and have been used in Le Roy's LEVEL program to produce transition dipole moment matrix elements (including their J dependence) for a large number of vibrational bands. The program PGOPHER was used to calculate Einstein A coefficients, and a line list was generated containing the observed and calculated wavenumbers, Einstein A coefficients and f-values for 290 bands of the A^2^{Pi}-X^2^{Sigma}^+^ transition with v'=0-22, v"=0-15, 250 bands of the B^2^{Sigma}^+^-X^2^{Sigma}^+^ transition with v'=0-15, v"=0-15 and 120 bands of the rovibrational transitions within the X^2^{Sigma}^+^ state with v=0-15. The Einstein A coefficients have been used to compute radiative lifetimes of several vibrational levels of the A^2^{Pi} and B^2^{Sigma}^+^ states and the values compared with those available from previous experimental and theoretical studies.