We have made new observations of the spectrum of singly ionized chromium (CrII) in the region 2850-37900{AA} with the National Institute of Standards and Technology 2m Fourier transform spectrometer. These data extend our previously reported observations in the near-ultra-violet region. We present a comprehensive list of more than 5300 CrII lines classified as transitions among 456 even and 457 odd levels, 179 of which are newly located in this work. Using highly excited levels of the 3d^4^(^5^D)5g, 3d^4^(^5^D)6g, and 3d^4^(^5^D)6h configurations, we derive an improved ionization energy of 132971.02+/-0.12cm^-1^ (16.486305+/-0.000015eV).