The SHELS (Smithsonian Hectospec Lensing Survey) is a complete redshift survey covering two well-separated fields (F1 and F2) of the Deep Lens Survey to a limiting R=20.6. Here we describe the redshift survey of the F2 field (RA_J2000_=09h19m32.4s and DE_J2000_=+30{deg}00'00"). The survey includes 16294 new redshifts measured with the Hectospec on the MMT. The resulting survey of the 4deg^2^ F2 field is 95% complete to R=20.6, currently the densest survey to this magnitude limit. The median survey redshift is z=0.3; the survey provides a view of structure in the range 0.1<~z<~0.6. An animation displays the large-scale structure in the survey region. We provide a redshift, spectral index D_n_4000, and stellar mass for each galaxy in the survey. We also provide a metallicity for each galaxy in the range 0.2<z<0.38. To demonstrate potential applications of the survey, we examine the behavior of the index D_n_4000 as a function of galaxy luminosity, stellar mass, and redshift. The known evolutionary and stellar mass dependent properties of the galaxy population are cleanly evident in the data. We also show that the mass-metallicity relation previously determined from these data is robust to the analysis approach.